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"PURITY" Borosilicate glass marble ♐GT 2016 Quartzite inclusion Series

Size (diameter): 1.12 inches
Taille (diamètre) : 28.5 millimetres
Signed and dated / Signée et Datée :" ♐GT 2016"

. ENG : Inclusion of a carved and faceted quartzite into a borosilicate glass marble. It will goes with a marble stand.

. FR : Inclusion d'une quartzite taillée et facetée à la main dans une bille en verre borosilicate. Elle sera accompagnée de son support.

Methapysical properties of Quartz :

" Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. Because it clarifies thought processes and emotions, it can increase inspiration and creativity. It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. It is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies, and is even helpful in romantic relationships. Psychically, quartz is a powerful stone. It is used for psychic protection because it counters black magic and protects from negative energy. It is very useful on the third eye chakra for clarity of psychic vision, and can be used to communicate with spirits and other worlds. Quartz is a stone that can access ancient wisdom and bring it into the present. It is a very good stone for astral travel, manifestation, scrying, channeling, dream recall and dream work. It is associated with the crown chakra, but also works effectively to balance and energize all chakras." 


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